Will the 9400 Gt be able to run games like GTA IV on low or medium smoothly?
Ok, so recently my PCI E slot went bad so I’m stuck using the regular PCI slot. I don’t have a PCI card yet but I plan on ordering one online so I was looking online and the best one I could find was the EVGA 9400 GT (Here’s a link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130498&cm_re=EVGA_9400-_-14-130-498-_-Product)
Another question is would there be much of a difference if the card had the same specs but was PCI-E, PCI being older does it hinder a cards performance? Or can it run just the same?
PC Specs:
CPU 2.4 GHz dual core processor
Ram: 2 GB
HD: 300 GB
OS: Windows XP service pack 2
Power supp: 300W
For any other PC info please go here: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/hp-m7580n,review-810.html
Note: I have been able to run games like GTA IV smoothly on low/medium graphics with the 8500GT for the PCI-E I had but since thats gone, how well can it run with a PCI 9400 GT?
If you know of any other cards that are better for PCI please let me know.
Yea I was thinking about buying a new MB but to get a decent one is gonna cost quite a bit, I am on a very tight budget and I am trying to save up for a car so I can get a job and start paying for all this crap myself. Will it still be a significant improvement from on board video? I can only play games like WoW on low settings and on low settings everything looks glitchy and like crap on that game.
It’s not the 9400 gt that has me concerned.
But the PCI bus your plugging it into will definitely hamper things. Will it be playable on low probably it will run just nowhere near as well as the 8500gt on a PCI-x 16 slot.
Besides I would be more concerned with getting a new main board if it’s failing to be straight with you.