Non progressive and progressive are the two very well known types of slot jackpots that most of the online casinos and gaming providers would have on offer. WagerLogic, Odds On, Microgaming, Boss Media, Real Time gaming and Playtech are some of the most popular slot jackpot software platforms.
Every single software platform is unique in its own way. Features and themes vary from one platform to another. This way, players get an opportunity to choose from a wide range of options. Usually, a player would get attracted to his/her favorite theme and instantly opt for that platform. Microgaming, one of the most well known gaming providers worldwide offers some of the best slot jackpots.
Progressive Slot Jackpots
In progressive slot jackpots, the prize amount goes on increasing, depending upon the amount collected through the registration process. This type of jackpot is linked to a number of paylines and hence plenty of players participate in it at the same time. More the players, higher would be the jackpot prize amount.
Often, the prize money goes upto millions of dollars. This is the most tempting aspect of progressive slot jackpots. The only negative aspect associated with this type of jackpots is the fact that they generally take a very long time before being triggered. However, there is no doubt whatsoever that this type is the most popular when it comes to slot jackpots.
Non Progressive slot jackpots
Unlike progressive slot jackpots, non progressive ones are usually not linked to a number of paylines and hence the prize amount does not go on increasing. This type of jackpot includes a fixed amount of prize for the winner and he/she receives it as soon as the triggering of the jackpot takes place. The jackpot prize amount too is not very huge. Hence, the popularity of non progressive slot jackpots is not as high as the progressive ones.
Non Progressive and Progressive jackpot video slot games
Like online slot games, most of the video slot games too have very attractive jackpots and both the mediums act in a rather similar manner. However, non progressive and progressive video slot games have brought in new dimensions to the world of online gaming. Video option offers outstanding graphics alongwith amazing sound effects. Symbols and themes associated with vide slot games are also very unique and attractive. Hence, players not only have loads of fun playing these games, but they also go through an experience of a lifetime.
Money Magic, Mid Life crisis, Jackpot Piñatas, Gold Rally, Cash Splash, 50,000 Pyramid, Kitty Glitter, Stravaganza and IRIS 3000 are some of the most popular slot games. People invariably are aware of these games worldwide.
Most of the progressive slot jackpots are equipped with multiple paylines. A player can avail 7 reel, 5 reel or even 3 reel slot jackpots. Ideally, players should always opt for playing top slot jackpots when it comes to progressive jackpots. This way, a player has a better chance of winning a grand prize.